“Human Resource Development (HRM627)”
Assignment No. 1 Marks: 20
“Five factor Model”
Following are some personality traits from Five Factor Model; you have to identify that which character falls in which category,
• Extraversion
• Agreeableness
• Consciousness
• Neuroticism
• Openness to experience
And also give three reasons for each category to justify your answer.
1. Mr.Ali tends to weary when unaccompanied and can easily become bored without other people around. When given the chance, he will talk with someone else rather than sitting alone and thinking. He tends to think as he speaks, he tends to enjoy human interactions and to be excited, chatty, self-confident, and outgoing. He feels joy in activities that engage large public gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public exhibitions, and business or political groups. He is a person, who is likely to take pleasure in time spent with people and find less return in time spent alone.
2. Sara is bearing an inclination to experience negative emotional states. She experiences such feelings as nervousness, irritation, fault, and sad mood they respond more poorly to environmental pressure, and are more likely to understand ordinary situations as bullying, and minor annoyance as hopelessly difficult. She is often self-conscious and shy, and she may have trouble controlling urges and holdup indulgence.
3. John is usually warm, friendly, and tactful. He generally has a sanguine view of human nature and get along well with others. He puts their own interests above those of others. He tends to be distant, aloof, and disobliging. On the positive side he finds it important to get along with others. He is cooperative, gracious, kind, and generous. Their basic belief is that people are usually civilized, honest, and truthful.
4. Mr.Tariq works very hard, and is competent of intense level utilizing hard efforts. He is a man of strong moral principles and ethics. Opinions and beliefs on any subject are rarely held lightly by him. He likes all tasks and projects to be complete to the final detail, without even minor faults. He likes the appearance of neatness and sleekness. He is a coordinator, cataloger, and list makers. He is careful, and vigilant in all areas of their lives, he does not give in to irresponsible abandon or wild excess.