

Thursday, January 20, 2011

STA301 GDB Solution

GMDB Dated: Jan 10, 11

Dear Students,

Graded MDB for STA301 will be opened on Jan 17, 2011 and will remain open till Jan 19, 2011. The topic of this GMDB will be.

“Suppose you read a published statement that the average amount of food consumption in this country is adequate; the overall conclusion based upon the statement is that everyone is properly fed. Criticize the conclusion in terms of the concept of variability as it relates to the use of averages.”.

Post your comments after inferring the above topic. Your comments should NOT exceed from 80-100 words. NOTE: Your comments MUST be posted with in due date and it will NEVER accept through e-mail.


After World War 1 Germany experienced one of the history’s most speculator example of hyperinflation. The German government did not pay for the war by taxing people more heavily. Things got worse at the end of the war. A huge amount for damages (reimbursement) was demanded from Germany. The sum to be paid was fixed at £6,600,000 in 1921. Germany’s currency loses confidence of many foreigners because Germany was unable to pay for damages. German government has to face budget deficit because value of their currency decreased too much and they have to pay more in exchange for other currencies.

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