

Saturday, January 29, 2011

CS403 GDB Idea Solution

Just take the idea not copy paste


When data is manipulated, the indexes have to be updated. This slows down data manipulation.


Search engine indexing collects, parses, and stores data to facilitate fast and accurate information retrieval. Index design incorporates interdisciplinary concepts from linguistics, cognitive psychology, mathematics, informatics, physics, and computer science. An alternate name for the process in the context of search engines designed to find web pages on the Internet is Web indexing. So doing all this operation indexes have to be updated which causes slow manipulation. Because this operation causes the index to be modified and requires additional updating of each index on that table, SQ L has to internally maintain the “pointers” to the inserted rows in the actual data file, each index potentially adds an alternative access path for a query for the optimizer to consider, which increases the compilation time.

STA301 Assignment No. 4 Announced

Assignment No.4 (Course STA301)

Fall 2010 (Total Marks 30)


Your Assignment must be uploaded/ submitted before or on 23:59 Feb 03, 2011


Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your Assignment will not get any credit IF:

The Assignment submitted, via email, after due date.

The submitted Assignment is not found as MS Word document file.

There will be unnecessary, extra or irrelevant material.

The Statistical notations/symbols are not well-written i.e., without using MathType software.

The Assignment will be copied from handouts, internet or from any other student’s file. Copied material (from handouts, any book or by any website) will be awarded ZERO MARKS. It is PLAGIARISM and an Academic Crime.

The medium of the course is English. Assignment in Urdu or Roman languages will not be accepted.

Assignment means Comprehensive yet precise accurate details about the given topic quoting different sources (books/articles/websites etc.). Do not rely only on handouts. You can take data/information from different authentic sources (like books, magazines, website etc) BUT express/organize all the collected material in YOUR OWN WORDS. Only then you will get good marks.

Objective(s) of this Assignment:

The assignment is being uploaded to build up the concepts about sampling techniques and testing of hypothesis. Application of the hypothesis testing and confidence interval.

How to get sample size from the given information.

Concepts about unbiasedness and precision

Assignment # 4 (Lessons 31-40)

Question 1: (Marks: 5x1=5)

Give the answer of short questions.

a) When we use central limit theorem?

b) What is the technique to find the estimates of an infinite population?

c) , what do you say about the estimator T, where is a parameter?

d) How precision of an interval estimate can be increased?

e) If an 85% confidence interval is 27.5< <43.8,>

Question 2: (Marks: 6+4=10)

a) In an finite population with and , find the mean and variance for the sampling distribution of if:

b) Find the value of sample size in case of proportions.

Question 3: (Marks: 5+5+5=15)

Test the hypothesis

The masses, in grams, of thirteen ball bearings seen at random from a batch are

21.4, 23.1, 25.9, 24.7, 23.4, 24.5, 25.0, 22.5, 26.9, 26.4, 25.8, 23.2, 21.9

Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the mean mass of the population.

If n=36, s=9 and t=2, what is the values of?

Fin621 Online Quiz No. 4 Annoucement

Quiz # 4

Dated: Jan 28, 11
Announcement For Quiz
There will be an online Quiz # 4. The Quiz will cover from Lecture # 1 to Lecture # 39.

Quiz Schedule
Opening Date and Time: January 31 , 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time: February 02 , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

24 hours extra time is not available

Fin622 GDB No. 2 Announcement

GDB No.2

Jan 28, 11

Semester “Fall 2010”

“Corporate Finance (Fin622)”

This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) will be opened according to the following schedule


Opening Date and Time: January 31, 2011 at 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)

Closing Date and Time: February 02, 2011 at 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Topic/Area for Discussion

“Working Capital Management”

Note: The discussion question will be from the area/topic mentioned above. So start learning about the topic now.

IT430 GDB No. 1 solution

Graded discussion board
Dated: Jan 25, 11

Dear students,

A Graded Discussion Board for 'E-Commerce (IT430)' will be opened on Monday 31 January, 2011and it will be closed on Tuesday 01 February, 2011.

Discussion Topic

From consumers' point of view trust and satisfaction are two most important aspects of E-Commerce. In your opinion, which factors can be more critical to the internet consumer regarding trust on an E-Commerce portal?

Read the instructions carefully before sending your comments:

1. GDB will have weight-age of 5% of your total subject marks.
2. Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
3. You should post your comments on the Graded Discussion Board & not on the Regular MDB. Both will run parallel to each other during the time specified above.
4. Your comments should be relevant to the topic i.e. clear and concise (Maximum 5-8 lines answer).
5. Books, websites and other reading material may be consulted before posting your comments. (Do not copy the material as it is.)
6. No extra time will be given for discussion.
7. You cannot participate in the discussion after the due date or through e-mail.


As from the question we can see that two things are asked from us as E-commerce analyst that which one is most important priority vise. It is understood that if a internet consumer is going to purchase he/she first trust on the site after that the internet consumer will get the product and will be satisfied that this product is working fine for him/her. So most important is the trust. To get trust most of the sites use SSL certificate for security which helps and shows the credibility of the site its secure for the online payment. One more thing which is the VeriSign authentication services. So trust is more important as compare to satisfaction.