

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eng301 Assignment No. 4 solution

Assignment 4 (Fall 2010)

Business Communication-ENG301
Total Marks: 15

To assess the students’ ability of report writing and knowledge of business communication.

No assignment will be accepted via e-mail after the due date.
Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else without acknowledging the actual author. It also means copying and pasting the material from handouts and internet source without rephrasing it in his/her own words.

Q1. Suppose you are head of procurement department of a fertilizers factory. Write a model report to the general manager and give your suggestions how you will handle the recent gas load shedding problem of your fertilizer’s factory. (9)

Q2. Choose the appropriate answer from the given options. (6)

Surveys of employers consistently show that ________ are the top most expected competencies like team work, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning to ensure effective job placement, performance, career advancement, and organizational success.
· Communication skills
· Written skills
· Oral skills
· None of the above

A brief account of one's professional experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application is called ________.
· Biodata
· Resume
· Biography
· Autobiography

The interview characterized by pointed and unnerving questions, deliberate interruptions, abrupt or even hostile reactions are designed to unsettle the candidate in order to see how well a candidate handle stressful situations at work place is known as _______.
· Open-ended interview
Situational interview
Structured interview
Stress interview

An ____________ letter is a contract of selling and purchasing or services. Orders are considered one of the simplest types of direct request. While placing an order, you need not excite your reader’s interest; just state your needs clearly and directly.
Acknowledgement letter
Adjustment letter
Order letter
Approval letter

5. The purpose of ________ is to get the money owed and maintain goodwill therefore, it should be persuasive rather than forceful, firm rather than demanding, fair and tactful to achieve better results, and you-oriented; courteous, considerate, and concerned about the customer’s best interest.
· Collection letter
· Claim letter
· Credit letter
· Inquiry letter

6. A promise of future payment in cash given in exchange for goods or service is called _____.It is the instrument which enables manufactures, producers, retailers and consumers to obtain goods at a time when they can be used or sold even if ready cash is not available.
· Adjustment letter
· Credit letter
· Transmittal letter
· Collection letter

1. Surveys of employers consistently show that ________ are the top most expected competencies like team work, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning to ensure effective job placement, performance, career advancement, and organizational success.
• Communication skills (correct)
• Written skills
• Oral skills
• None of the above

2. A brief account of one's professional experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application is called ________.
• Biodata
• Resume (correct) PAGE 150
• Biography
• Autobiography

3. The interview characterized by pointed and unnerving questions, deliberate interruptions, abrupt or even hostile reactions are designed to unsettle the candidate in order to see how well a candidate handle stressful situations at work place is known as _______.
• Open-ended interview
• Situational interview
• Structured interview
• Stress interview (correct) PAGE 168

4. An ____________ letter is a contract of selling and purchasing or services. Orders are considered one of the simplest types of direct request. While placing an order, you need not excite your reader’s interest; just state your needs clearly and directly.
• Acknowledgement letter
• Adjustment letter
• Order letter (correct) PAGE 82
• Approval letter

5. The purpose of ________ is to get the money owed and maintain goodwill therefore, it should be persuasive rather than forceful, firm rather than demanding, fair and tactful to achieve better results, and you-oriented; courteous, considerate, and concerned about the customer’s best interest.
• Collection letter (correct) PAGE 100
• Claim letter
• Credit letter
• Inquiry letter

6. A promise of future payment in cash given in exchange for goods or service is called _____.It is the instrument which enables manufactures, producers, retailers and consumers to obtain goods at a time when they can be used or sold even if ready cash is not available.
• Adjustment letter
• Credit letter (correct) PAGE 96
• Transmittal letter
• Collection letter

Thursday, January 27, 2011

MCM101 GDB No. 2 solution

Semester “Fall 2010”

“Introduction to Mass Communication


This is to inform you that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) 01 has been opened according to the following schedule:

Opening Date and Time:

27th Jan, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)

Closing Date and Time:

28th Jan, 2011 at 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)


“Film is considered by many to be an important art form; films entertain, educate, enlighten and inspire audiences. Suggest any six ways/techniques through which Pakistani Film Industry can revive.”



1- Cinema is the backbone of the film industry and the government should provide more facilities for the development of film business.

2- Producers has to produce quality films and cinema owners must respond positively to the producers so that those who have closed their cinemas, reopen and continue their businesses.

3- Welfare funds should be established for the welfare of artists.

4- Prominent showbiz personalities must be involved in the board for the betterment of film industry. Positive Environment and Culture should be provided to Film Industry because it is a need of time.

5- Minister has to play his vital role for revival of film industry on top priority basis which is going to be closed.

6- We need to exploit talent of our youth as they have great potential but they lack resources, opportunities and encouragement. They can produce quality work if patronized. There are a couple of channels that have not paid their workers’ salaries for months; we should fight against such injustices.

In this way Pakistan film industry can be revive.

Mth101 GDB Solution

With the name of Almighty, dears we’re to discuss the calculus application in the field of our practical life.

First me have to say that “Calculus” is that branch which deals with the integral calculus e.g. calculation area under the curve and the deferential calculus that deals with the motion calculation, and that all are the part of our practical life. Calculus is deeply integrated with the physical science and such as physics and Bio science, so now we can say that it is more important in every aspects of life some of them we’ll here discuss.

It is found in computer science, statistics, and engineering; in economics, business, and medicine. Modern developments such as architecture, aviation, and other technologies all make use of what calculus can offer. Graph visualization are also based on that, we can easily graph the function with the help of it. Finding average of function one example is the path of an airplane. Using calculus you can calculate its average cruising altitude, velocity and acceleration.

So at the end that branch cover a lot of area of our practical life to overcome them we’d have good knowledge of it.


"Why do we study calculus,write its at least three applications"

Graded Moderate Discussion will be open on Calculus is Latin for stone, and the ancient Romans used stones for counting and arithmetic. In its most basic sense, calculus is just that a form of counting. After advanced algebra and geometry, it is the next step in higher mathematics, and is used for solving complex problems that regular mathematics cannot complete.

Calculus is the mathematics of change, of calculating problems that are continually evolving. This is possible by breaking such problems into infinitesimal steps, solving each of those steps, and adding all the results. Rather than doing each step individually, calculus allows these computations to be done simultaneously.

Calculus is useful for solving non-linear equations. For example, say you were looking for the area inside a flat rectangle.

Calculus is deeply integrated in every branch of the physical sciences, such as physics and biology. It is found in computer science, statistics, and engineering; in economics, business, and medicine. Modern developments such as architecture, aviation, and other technologies all make use of what calculus can offer. This page is designed to out line some of the applications of calculus and give you some idea of why calculus is so important and useful.

Calculus can give us a generalized method of finding the slope of a curve. The slope of a line is fairly elementary, using some basic algebra it can be found. Although we do have standard methods to calculate the area of some shapes, calculus allows us to do much more. A function can represent many things. One example is the path of an airplane. Using calculus you can calculate its average cruising altitude, velocity and acceleration.

CS410 GDB Solution

Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) provides a framework of Java packages that support components targeted for the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Dynamic HTML object model. WFC is tightly integrated with the Microsoft Visual J++™ development environment and provides a full set of Windows controls written in Java. Building a Java application for Windows is made much easier by this tight integration and the support of features such as IntelliSense, the Forms Designer, the Application Wizard, and the Object Browser. While these Visual J++ features put you well on your way to creating applications, you'll probably want to understand the structure and logic behind the packages and classes that make up WFC.

The purpose of this section is to provide a conceptual framework for the WFC packages and classes and to explain some of the fundamental WFC models. Many of the packages exist as infrastructure for the component model and can be ignored by developers focusing on using the WFC controls. Other packages are most easily accessed from the Visual J++ Forms Designer. When you start exploring the WFC library, you'll want to know which packages and classes are important for your particular application.


First thing about Windows - it is a multi-tasking environment. That means that it can actually run more than one program at one time, giving you higher efficiency. You'll need to process code for each program simultaneously, which is no easy feat. So, the makers of Windows created a system where each program was like a procedure - code was run only when the system requested for it. This meant that they needed to create a whole new system for Windows, containing the API (Application Program Interface). Code was in the form of 'events'. Only when an event occurs will code be run. Now you know why Delphi makes you type code that way!

* WFC Packages provides a high-level overview of the main packages that make up WFC.

* Working with WFC Visual Components describes the controls, forms, and graphical objects in WFC, which include the following subtopics:

o Windows Visual Components

o Dynamic HTML Visual Components

* Handling Events in WFC describes the use of delegates for handling events.

* Localizing Your Application describes the Visual J++ and WFC support and methodology for localizing your project in various languages.

* Using WFC Application Services describes some of the core application features and includes the following subtopics:

o Starting and Quitting an Application

o Handling Application Events

o Accessing System Information

o Performing Clipboard and Drag-and-Drop Operations

* Using Java Threads with WFC describes the threading model for WFC and includes the following subtopics:

o Mixing Java and Win32 Threading Models

o Creating and Exiting a Thread

o Using Thread Storage

o Working with Thread Exceptions

MTH302 GDB Solution

Total Marks 5

Starting Date : Thursday, January 27, 2011

Closing Date : Friday, January 28, 2011

Construct a real world business problem and then apply simple linear regression analysis.


Suppose that 4 randomly chosen plots were treated with various level of fertilizer in the following yield of corn:-

Fertilizer(kg/Acre) X 100 200 400 500

Production(Bushels/Acre) Y 70 70 80 100

Estimate the Linear Regression of production Y on fertilizer X.



100 70 7000 10000

200 70 14000 40000

400 80 32000 160000

500 100 5000 250000

å = 1200 å = 320 å =103000 å = 460000

Byx = nåXY – åXåY / nåX2 - (åX) 2

Byx = 4(103000)-((1200)(320)) / 4(460000)-(1200) 2

Byx = 0.07

ayx = y - Byx X

= ((åY/n) – ((0.07) (åX/n))

=(320/4) – (0.07)(1200/4)

= 59

y = 59 + 0.07 X is required regression equation.