Total Marks 2
Starting Date: Monday, November 08, 2010
Closing Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Discussion Question
"Economic Feasibility Involves the feasibility of the proposed project to generate economic benefits. It is said that "even when a project is non-profit in nature, economic feasibility is critical."Evaluate the above statement with an example.
Instructions: Read the following instructions before giving your comments on GDB:
1. Words Limit 100-150
2. Use the font style "Times New Roman" and font size "12".
3. Your answer should be relevant to the topic i.e. clear and concise, ax 100 words
4. Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students.
5. Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.
6. Books, websites and other reading material may be consulted before posting your comments but copying or reproducing the text from books, websites and other reading materials is strictly prohibited. Such comments will be marked as Zero (0).
7. Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.