

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mgt301 Assignemnt 1 solution

Idea Solution:

Table # 01
Star (High Growth + High Share)

  • Bakery
Table # 03
Question Mark (High Growth + Low Share)

  • Milk
  • CSD (Gourmet Juices)
Table # 02
Cash Cow (Low Growth + High Share)

  • Water
  • Ice Cream
Table # 04
Dog (Low Growth + Low Share)

  • Juices
Table # 01: Bakery
In Lahore there is low competitor of bakery product. Only Butt Sweets are working in city but they are few. So Gourmet falls in star in context of bakery product. They need heavy investment to capture the market and get the high share.
Table # 02: Water, Ice Cream
In this situation, Gourmet need less investment and capture the high market share, because only one time investment made in filtration plant, then water will provided by gourmet.
Table # 03: Milk, CSD (Government Juices)
In Lahore, there is lot of milk shop. So Gourmet needs lot of cast to capture the market.
Table # 04: Juices
In Lahore juices are available, same quantity at same price at many shops. So if gourmet keeps these products. Then there is normal change, because people buy the same product at any shop nearest to home.

The BCG matrix
Product portfolio method
The BCG matrix method is based on the product life cycle theory that can be used to determine what priorities should be given in the product portfolio of a business unit. To ensure long-term value creation, a company should have a portfolio of products that contains both high-growth products in need of cash inputs and low-growth products that generate a lot of cash. It has 2 dimensions: market share and market growth. The basic idea behind it is that the bigger the market share a product has or the faster the product's market grows the better it is for the company.
Placing products in the BCG matrix results in 4 categories in a portfolio of a company:
1. Stars (=high growth, high market share)
- use large amounts of cash and are leaders in the business so they should also generate large amounts of cash.
- frequently roughly in balance on net cash flow. However if needed any attempt should be made to hold share, because the rewards will be a cash cow if market share is kept.
2. Cash Cows (=low growth, high market share)
- profits and cash generation should be high , and because of the low growth, investments needed should be low. Keep profits high
- Foundation of a company
3. Dogs (=low growth, low market share)
- avoid and minimize the number of dogs in a company.
- beware of expensive turn around plans.
- deliver cash, otherwise liquidate
4. Question Marks (= high growth, low market share)
- have the worst cash characteristics of all, because high demands and low returns due to low market share
- if nothing is done to change the market share, question marks will simply absorb great amounts of cash and later, as the growth stops, a dog.
- either invest heavily or sell off or invest nothing and generate whatever cash it can. Increase market share or deliver cash

The BCG Matrix method can help understand a frequently made strategy mistake: having a one-size-fits-all-approach to strategy, such as a generic growth target (9 percent per year) or a generic return on capital of say 9,5% for an entire corporation.
In such a scenario:
A. Cash Cows Business Units will beat their profit target easily; their management have an easy job and are often praised anyhow. Even worse, they are often allowed to reinvest substantial cash amounts in their businesses which are mature and not growing anymore.
B. Dogs Business Units fight an impossible battle and, even worse, investments are made now and then in hopeless attempts to 'turn the business around'.
C. As a result (all) Question Marks and Stars Business Units get mediocre size investment funds. In this way they are unable to ever become cash cows.**************** These inadequate invested sums of money are a waste of money. Either these SBUs should receive enough investment funds to enable them to achieve a real market dominance and become a cash cow (or star), or otherwise companies are advised to disinvest and try to get whatever possible cash out of the question marks that were not selected.
Some limitations of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix include:

  • High market share is not the only success factor
  • Market growth is not the only indicator for attractiveness of a market
  • Sometimes Dogs can earn even more cash as Cash Cows

ENG301 Fall 2012 Assignment No. 1 Solution

Question # 01
1..... EXAMPLE When the teacher uses very difficult or unfamiliar words the students may not comprehend them.

Communication Barriers Semantic

2.....EXAMPLE Communication fails if there are hasty judgments, refusal to listen to a problem, distraction, acceptance of words literally, fear of criticism, day dreaming, impatience, etc.

Communication Barriers Emotional

3..... EXAMPLE The undesirable sound such as that arising out of dragging a table or sneezing or banging of the door or the window panes or creaking of the door or the fan etc. can pose a distraction.

Communication Barriers Physical

4.... EXAMPLE People, who suffer from ailments such as anxiety and depression, tend to misunderstand what is being said about them.

Communication Barriers Physical

5..... EXAMPLE A speaker may also ruin her credibility with listeners with defensive behavior: instead of accepting new information or that she was incorrect; she may justify a mistake or refuse to admit it altogether.
Communication Barriers Values Attitude

6.....EXAMPLE Seeing things through the lens of our own unique life experiences may lead to assumptions, stereotyping and misunderstandings of others whose experiences differ from our own.
Communication Barriers Perceptional

7....EXAMPLE The audience fails to get the intended meaning if the words or expressions used are too complicated or uncommon. Semantic
8.... In case of written communication illegible writing or bad photocopies lead to miscommunication.
Communication Barriers Physical

9.... EXAMPLE When a listener is fearful that she won't understand what's being said, she tends to shutdown and stop listening as a defense mechanism for future mistakes.
Communication Barriers Psychological

10 ...EXAMPLE If you are experiencing a high level of stress, you may be unable to adequately communicate your own needs or to really hear what another person is saying Communication Barriers Value Attitude

Question # 02

Point 1
This is a downward flow of communication. In the organization decision are made by the top management then these decisions are communicated to the lower management ,then this management makes further downward communication to the low level of management then they further communicated to the supervisors , this is the whole process of downward communication . In this specific instant the president is message is comminuted to the vice president accounting this is downward communication because message is communicated from the top management to the middle management.

Point 2
At this point up ward flow of communication is made middle management to top management, to make decisions president needs information or feedback from the employees, middle management, in upward flow communication is started from supervisors to the top management, supervisor report to low level management, low level to middle level to top level which is the president or CEO or board of Directors.

Point 3
At this point horizontal flow takes place .In order to perform a job, duty, or for the preparation of meetings and to corporate on important issue, communication on the same level .in this hierarchy vice president production communicating to vice president marketing for some cooperation or discussing a issue may b exchange of ideas for launching new product in market. At this communication is taking place at middle level.

Point 4
At this point upward flow of communication is taking place a head (supervisor) of department B of Accounting is communicating to vice president Marketing regarding some issue may b availability of funds for new advertise campaign. 

Solution # 02:

1.Downward Flow

2.Upward Flow

3.Horizontal Flow

4.Upward Flow 

Communication fails if there are hasty judgments, refusal to listen to a problem, distraction, acceptance of words literally, fear of criticism, day dreaming, impatience, etc.(Psychological)

The undesirable sound such as that arising out of dragging a table or sneezing or banging of the door or the window panes or creaking of the door or the fan etc. can pose a distraction.(physical)

People, who suffer from ailments such as anxiety and depression, tend to misunderstand what is being said about them(emotional)

Seeing things through the lens of our own unique life experiences may lead to assumptions, stereotyping and misunderstandings of others whose experiences differ from our own.(perceptual)

The audience fails to get the intended meaning if the words or expressions used are too complicated or uncommon.(semantic)
in case of written communication illegible writing or bad photocopies lead to miscommunication.(PHYSICAL)

When a listener is fearful that she won't understand what's being said, she tends to shutdown and stop listening as a defense mechanism for future mistakes.(PSYCHOLOGICAL)

If you are experiencing a high level of stress, you may be unable to adequately communicate your own needs or to really hear what another person is saying(EMOTIONAL)

Mgt101 assignment 1 fall 2012 solution

MGT610 GDB Solution Fall 2012

I'm not sure how to answer this question, but here are some "ways" through which a company can maintain a good repute (keeping intact basic ethics) alongside a steady flow of profits.

(A) MANAGEMENT. The ethical stance of a company originates from the consistent integrity of its senior officers. From the first day in business, they inform all employees that the primary focus of the organization will be equitable and unbiased service. Customer satisfaction will always be given top priority. 

These objectives should be proclaimed proudly in all media advertising. Members of the public, frustrated with the half-truths and price-gouging so prevalent in business today, will be more than willing to give this refreshingly honest enterprise a try. 

(B) STAFF. The employees must also be committed to the maintenance of high ethical standards. In turn, they, themselves, must be treated as valued members of the organization and be well compensated for their work. Overtime hours and contributions to the efficiency and improvement of the operation must be recognized and rewarded. 

The staff will become ambassadors of goodwill for the organization. Word will soon be spread around the community that the company is a great place to work, and there will be no shortage of skilled and qualified workers anxious to come on board as the company grows. 

(C) CUSTOMERS. With competent workers, high ethical standards and an overall commitment to excellence, any organization will very quickly secure a nucleus of satisfied customers and all their repeat business. 

( D) THE COMMUNITY. The community will become your advertising agents. You will be recommended to the friends and neighbours, relatives and co-workers of your regular customers. Your reputation for high ethical standards, honesty, and good service will draw an ever-increasing number of new clients . Your greatest problem will be finding time and room to expand. 

(E) YOUR COMPETITORS. They will notice their customer base dwindling, and realize they either have to adopt improved professional practices or look around for another location outside the sphere of influence of your company and its satisfied and loyal customers. 

The link between business ethics and profitability is undeniable. Smart business owners know this. They repay their staff and customers by being honest, trustworthy, conscientious, and by sharing some of the benefits and profits they accumulate through others' effort and loyalty .

Could add, that since the question itself talks about technology, organizations could avoid exaggerating about themselves over the internet. 

Instead indulge in some honest yet clever marketing techniques, through which they dont violate business ethics however attract customers at the same time.