

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mkt630 GDB No. 1 Fall 2011 solution

Discussion Objective:

To understand distinct marketing approaches which are used for the same product in its different stages of product life cycle and to realize the difference in these approaches.

Point of discussion:
Assume that a group of business editorial writers related to leading newspapers of Pakistan are discussing the current business practices in Pakistan. You are there as a third party observer of this discussion and have to closely observe what they are talking. The description of discussion is as following. One of them initiated the discussion by saying that in the recent past it has been observed in the IT equipments market of Pakistan that used IT equipment are being imported and traded in local market at a massive level. The major IT equipments being traded are personal computers (both the desktop systems and laptops), printers, monitors, key boards and mouse pointers. Then he put forth a question that what can be the possible reason behind importing these used equipments? Are most of these products faulty and out of order and so these are firstly repaired and then sold in Pakistan or there is any other reason. Another question was raised that if these products are still usable then why the foreign countries sell these to Pakistan? One editor came up with the point that might be these products are exported to Pakistan because these products were at the last stage of their product lives and were declared outdated in the foreign countries. You have now been welcomed by them to bring your own flavor in discussion and to bring the discussion to a conclusive level as they are not clear about the whole happening.

Discussion Agenda:
You have to give your opinion by responding to the questions raised and opinions given by them.

Small scale surveys and focus groups are low cost ways to gather information from potential and existing customers. Also most of the secondary data (statistics, demographics, etc.) is available easily to the SMEs to analyze according to their needs.

Eco403 GDB No. 1 fall 2011 solution

According to CIA World Fact Book, current population growth rate of Pakistan and China are 1.57% and 0.493% respectively. In both countries, ratio of females is more than males. Logically discuss that how this increasing ratio of females will affect the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of both countries?


In these two countries (as well as others) women are given a lower standard of education and are usually either at home or doing low paid work. So unless they get their act together really soon there will be many vacancies for skilled workers which cannot be filled , the result will be a lower rate of increase of the GDP over the coming years compared to the rate it would rise if women were properly educated and had access to skilled work.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Course Selection for Fall 2011 for VU Students

Published On: Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Course Selection for Fall 2011
(Commencement of classes October 3, 2011)

(Course selection option for MSCS students will be announced later for detail email )

Last Date to Add / Drop / Replace course(s): October 10, 2011
The Course Selection link will remain open up to Monday, October 10, 2011 under Student Services; students are advised to login to their respective VU LMS account and select their courses immediately failing which their student status will be considered as “INACTIVE STUDENT”. Classes for fall 2011 will commence on October 3, 2011.
1. Existing students may Select/Add/Drop/Replace course(s) themselves through ‘Student Services’ Course Selection link
2. Newly admit students enrolled in the 1st semester of their Study Programme are given preselected courses; however, they have an option to drop course(s) from course selection link available at LMS through ‘student services’ or via email to on or before October 10, 2011. (Note: This practice will eventually increase the duration of the study program and fee).
3. Students with blocked VU LMS (due to non-payment of fee) are not allowed to make course selection/semester enrolment unless they deposit their outstanding dues.
4. No course Add/Drop request is acceptable after October 10, 2011. In case a student fails to appear in Final Term examination of course (s), s/he will be treated as ‘F (Absent)’ just like Drop course (s) with no fee refund/adjustment.
5. Fee voucher once issued will not be re-issued if a student drops course(s).
6. Request of student to relax/waive off any offered assignment/Quiz will not be accepted.
7. To apply for VU scholarships, the eligibility criteria also include selecting and qualifying courses according to respective semester wise study scheme.
8. Students are required to strictly follow while enrollment of maximum credit hours limit for a semester including ‘F’ or ‘D’ grade course(s), if any.
9. In any of the subsequent semesters a student may repeat once, those courses of the previous semester(s) in which s/he had secured the lowest grade i.e. ‘D’ only. However, a student is not allowed to improve ‘D’ grade of a deficiency course qualified. Any improved grade will substitute ‘F’ and ‘D’ grades of the previous semester for calculating CGPA.
10. A student, who fails to achieve the required CGPA for award of diploma/degree, upon the completion of entire prescribed course work program, may be allowed to repeat, once the course (s) of the previous semesters in which s/he had obtained the ‘D’ grades, in order achieve the minimum CGPA required for the award of diploma/degree, failing which s/he shall cease to be on the rolls.”
11. Specialization certificate students’ are not allowed to improve ‘D’ grade course(s).
12. Regular MBA 2-year program students that have earned 18 to 54 credit hours are directed to complete their degree on or before spring 2013 semester. Whereas those who have earned 57 to 72 credit hours with low CGPA are encouraged to complete their degree requirements on or before fall 2012 semester.
13. Students are instructed to follow strictly the Rules and Procedure given in Student Hand Book under - Course Selection link in LMS account.

Declaration: I hereby acknowledge that I have completely read and understood the above rules including semester enrollment, course selection etc. I understand that I shall be responsible for the consequence and thus promise to abide by the University rules framed out from time to time.

Friday, July 1, 2011

SOC101 Assignment No. 3 - solution soon

Semester “Spring 2011”

“Introduction to Sociology” (SOC101)”

Assignment No. 03 Marks: 15


Functionalist, conflict, inter-actionist, and feminist are different school of thought which give the explanations for gender inequalities.

Q# 1: Which school of thought influence your point of view about gender inequality and why? Discuss only one school of thought. 10

Q# 2: Being a student of sociology, how can you find out the women’s class position with reference to Pakistani society? 5


Opening Date and Time June 29, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)

Due Date and Time July 04, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates

HRM627 GDB No. 3 solution

Semester “Spring 2011”

“Human Resource Development (HRM 627)”

This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB-2) will be opened according to the following schedule

Opening Date and Time:
30th June , 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)

Closing Date and Time: 04th July , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Topic/Area for Discussion
“Minority discrimination”

Note: The discussion question will be from the area/topic mentioned above. So start learning about the topic now.

Topic & Question

We are all familiar with ‘Eunuch’ (Urdu: Khawaja Sra) people. Their positions have deteriorated to be considered as ‘socially outcast’, ‘unwanted people’, subjected to mockery, ridicule and derogatory. Are they not human? Even it is impossible to completely end the discrimination against them.

In your point of view what steps government should take in reducing the humiliation against them and promoting their welfare?
Give Four Suggestions.

Word limit: should be less than 100 words

Though the presence of khawaja sara in our society is not a new idea, and they are accepted in a few designated roles like entertainers, dancers, beggars or sex workers. Law is also silent on this discrimination; although the basic human rights mechanism in national laws does protect everybody without discrimination.

1. State should start public awareness program regarding the discrimination of minority

2. Elimination of gender column from the ID card form could help them to become honorable society members

3. Quota in jobs and education can help to decrease this type of minority discrimination but surly after public awareness

4. Using media to negate the negativism about khwaja saras from society will help to elicit the discrimination