

Friday, November 5, 2010

PHY301 Assignment No. 2 Announced

Q.1: By using any division rule find voltage across 4kohm resistance.

Q.2: Use nodal analysis to find IO in the network given below. Identify and label each node otherwise you will lose your marks. Write each step of the calculation to get maximum marks and also mention the units of each derived value

Q.3: Use to write for each reference the equations (final calculations not required).

DON’T MISS THESE Important instructions:

• Labeled and draw each circuit diagram, other wise you will lose your marks. Write each step of the calculation to get maximum marks.

To solve this assignment, you should have good command over first 13 lectures.

Upload assignments properly through LMS, (No Assignment will be accepted through email).

Write your ID on the top of your solution file.

All students are directed to use the font and style of text as is used in this document.

Don’t use colorful back grounds in your solution files.

Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.

Use Paint or Corel draw to draw circuit diagrams.

This is not a ***** assignment, it is an individual assignment so be careful and avoid copying others’ work. If some assignment is found to be copy of some other, both will be awarded zero marks. It also suggests you to keep your assignment safe from others. No excuse will be accepted by anyone if found to be copying or letting others copy.

Don’t wait for the last date to submit your assignment.

Mgt613 GDB No. 1

Total Marks 20
Starting Date Thursday, November 04, 2010
Closing Date Monday, November 08, 2010

Status: Open


Question: Given the weekly demand data, what are the exponential smoothing forecasts for periods 2-05 using a=0.10?
Week Demand 0.1 1 980 2 825 3 760 4 650 5
Note: Calculation along with the formula is required for each period's forecast. Students who give answers without calculation will be given low marks/no marks.

Mgt613 GDB No. 1 Announced

“Production Operations Management (MGT613)”

This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) (covering video lecture no. 1 to lecture no 14) will be opened according to the following schedule


Opening Date and Time
November 04, 2010 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time
November 08, 2010 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Visit for Online VU Lectures

Topic for Discussion


Note: The discussion question will be from the topic mentioned above. So start learning about the topic now.

Mgt301 GDB No. 1 Announced

Semester “Fall 2010”

“Principles of Marketing (MGT 301)”

This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) will be opened according to the following schedule

Opening Date and Time
4th November 2010 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time
8th November 2010 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Topic/Area for Discussion
“ 4 P’s”

Discussion Question

“If XYZ Company has believed that their product line is of superior quality but their sales are quite low. What might be the reasons behind this?”

Thursday, November 4, 2010

CS507 Assignment No. 2 Announced

(Due Date: 10/11/2010)

Question 1:

Give at least 2 examples of each type of system. [5 marks]

1) Transaction processing systems

2) Office Automation Systems

3) Knowledge Work Systems

4) Decision Support Systems

5) Management information systems
Question 2:
How an Information system can help to meet call centre challenges? [5 marks]